Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Depression sessions are coming

For all of you who suffer or know someone who is suffering from depression anxity and other mental issues listen up. There is hope and healing.  Coming up on June 14th-27th you can attend the free online event called the depression sessions. 

I have listened to other webcasts from the underground wellness site. I am always super impressed with the interviews.  They dig deep and talk about the issues in a real way that helps you understand what is going on in your body and empower you to take control of your own health. 

During the two weeks I am sure there will be some great practical advice and hope for those who want to get off of  the "Try this drug-not working for you?-add these other meds-side effects?-we got more medicine to fix that- now I am taking 6 pills and I still feel lousy roller coaster." 

To register for this online event simply click the link below and fill in your e-mail address and you will be ready to go. 

The depression sessions

Underground wellness site

Blessings to you,

Happy Momma

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